Healthy Apple Wild Forest Honey:
Healthy Apple Wild Forest Honey is pure unprocessed honey collected directly from the honey farm And bottled with care just not to spoil there originality of the honey. Unlike other honey available we are proud to serve you original honey from the honey form to your door step.Honey makes wonders in improving skin complexion, curing acne and for treating dandruff, Also has been used since ancient times to treat wounds, burns and bacterial infections.
USING HONEY FOR SKIN & FACE:Healthy Apple Wild Forest Honey is really good for your skin. From treating acne to preventing premature ageing, honey is very beneficial. Mixed with natural ingredients, found in your kitchen, makes for effective and inexpensive beauty treatment. Applying honey regularly on your skin can give you results beyond your imagination and can go a long way in giving you healthy, younger looking and glowing skin. |
CONTAINS SOME NUTRIENTS:Honey is a sweet, thick liquid made by honeybees. Honey is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B2, B3, B5 and B6, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc. All of which is vital for the body. In simpler terms, consumption of honey promotes digestive health, fights indigestion, strengthens the immune system. |
REPLACING ADDED SUGAR IN DIET:Honey’s sweet flavor makes it an ideal substitute for sugar in the diet. Added sugar in the diet provides excess calories with no nutritional benefit. Honey can be added to food and beverages to sweeten the taste without the negative health impact of added sugars. Also Use honey instead of sugars and sweeteners in your tea, baked goodies or spread to it on a hot toast. Its natural sugars even prevent fatigue during exercise, so it is also good for improving athletic performance. |
Honey & Lemon:
Lemon, honey and warm water combined help give your digestion an instant boost.
· 1 Glass of warm water
· 1 tsp of honey
· Lemon Juices
Take a one glass of warm water and add 1 tsp honey and lemon juice. Mix well & drink in the morning.
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